welcome to the abandoned arcade.
those who reside here might seek reverie, connection, or even just a place to be left alone for a while.
explore at your own risk.
i go by glitch online, and winter in real life. call me whatever you like.
i've never been good at the social part of social media, so this seems to be my best option.
take a look around, get some inspiration.
carry with you whatever might be of use, and feel no guilt leaving what is not necessary in your journey.
i'll be here waiting should you need anything else.
good luck :]
this is a major work in progress, but please do check back in frequently to see any and all updates :]
a little story; this website's initial reason for being
explorers, let me know you were here :]
you can also email me at glitchjpg3245@gmail.com
added some of my photography stuff to the art page
added entries "as a child" and "sunfade" to this page
new drawing for the homepage :]
couple new poems on the writing page
added a hip hop playlist to my music page [and also added different music videos to the arcade playlist]
added some writing to tomi's character page
added more modals to my gallery, so you can see more info & progress photos for my art
added another link to this page
added a changelog lol
also added digital art to my gallery